Send feedback by sending an email to
"My family’s connection to your music goes back many years. If I remember correctly my grandmother discovered you back when you were streaming on iTunes... she then found your website and subscribed—over 21 or 22 years ago! Since then, she’s had your music playing almost twenty hours a day. Now a retired English professor, she always found your tunes incredibly soothing and helpful for focusing. I have many memories of sitting at her house, immersed in the calm that your music brings. Your music has been a near-constant background in our home, and my children have grown up with your radio stream as a comforting presence. On a personal note, my daughter—who is now eight years old—has developed a passion for the piano, and following the traumatic events of October 7th last year here in Israel, my wife and I decided that piano lessons would be a way to help her heal and express herself. She had her first concert this past Thursday, and I credit you as your music played a massive part in inspiring her. Thank you so much for everything. Your music has enriched our lives in countless ways."
"I started with you decades ago when writing my Master's thesis on psychology, much later when struggling through my PhD dissertation, and now again while writing a book. In a fast-changing world, your program has been a steady, calming and yet inspiring force. Congratulations for making this an enduring success. Just keep going, please!"
"Whenever I am having a bad day, and I don’t see how I can possibly get through it, I say to myself "I need my Whisperings,” and the soothing music always makes my day so much better. Thank you!"
"I like the radio that you have put together... it is inspiring to listen to and pushes me to play piano myself a bit more... It is a win win: good listening, and good piano playing. :) It actually gave me a direction in my budding music writing/creation endeavours. Before, I just wandered a bit not sure what/how to write - this allowed me to let the music flow from my fingers, so to speak."
"PureStream has helped me with my pain, my wife with her pregnancy, son sleep for the past 4 years, and made every Christmas special. Thank you."
"Thank you for this beautiful, healing, inspiring music. The last several months have been the most trying in my lifetime. After the Christmas season, I just couldn't return to regular radio music with lyrics and classical music seemed too complex. The mix of old hymns and secular pieces on Whisperings Solo Piano Radio has been a blessing to listen to and has actually helped me feel better through this difficult time...hank you for creating this platform."
"I feel like you are an old friend... What was not easy in my 70s is heading for "impossible" now that I'm in my 80s. Your app has never failed to slide me into a smooth, soft sleep. Again, thank you."
"Since 2020 my inner spirit was just darkened and sad......BUT I accidentally, or was it fate, I found your site....and the PIANO music has soothed my soul .....i humble thank you for such an amazing treat and positive music...."
"I have been very much enjoying Solo Piano Radio for some years now. As I listened while staring out into the universe one night last week, I was struck with the realisation that simply renewing my subscription each year in no way comes near to expressing the impact your creative work has had, and continues to have, on the lives of myself and my wife. In short, you have been a restorer of souls in a world that hardly ever slows down, takes a breath, or looks up. The calming, relaxing, reassuring effects of Solo Piano Radio have become hugely important to us in our ageing. You function as an oasis in the desert. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!"
"Your music has proven to be TRANSFORMATIONAL to me. Helps to ERASE ALL UNCERTAINITY!! I love my curious self, and have been challenged to "conform" which hasn't worked well. Your music has become my LIBERATING factor!! THANK YOU"
"We cannot tell you how much we have been enjoying the music. We listen to it EVERY day, and it carries us through these weird pandemic months. So thanks!!!"
"The music you provide truly does make a significant difference... I love most kinds of music but when I need or want to relax, I turn on Whisperings. When having a conversation with a guest, there you are - providing a calm, lovely ambiance. And those nights when I just go to sleep, I turn it on, bringing my Bose mini speaker to my bedroom and it’s so clear that feel like I have a grand piano here to lull me to sleep. And I’m just one person. Think of the feelings you stir each day, the peace you bring. Thank you."
"I am one of the few people coming in to work every day while our city is on Pandemic Lockdown and this music sure goes a long way as a relaxing alternative to what is happening in our world. These days I need to be very careful about what and when to listen to the news, and truly, solo piano radio calms me down no matter what immediately."
"Never stop playing this station. Never. When I am alone and feel alone, I listen to and I am not alone anymore. Thank you. Thank you."
"Thank you for your earlier notification of our renewal and for your wonderful service. Literally, each day, my wife and I sit down at the end of our labors with a glass (or two) of wine, your incredible music and conversation. It is the perfect ending to each day. Your service seems to be one of very few things these days that provides more value than it costs. You have enriched our lives immensely. Thank you."
"I have to tell you, I had to have several surgeries and therefore was in the hospital multiple times over the past couple of years. And each time, I made sure to have a 10ft charging cable for my phone, something to clip the cable & phone to the bed or sheets, and this channel is all I played - every time. The volume may not have been on very loud - 2 of the surgeries were on my head so loud anything was a no go (The automoving of the bed even made me seasick) but your channel saw me thru all of it. So thank you for being there!"
"I wanted you to know that I love the smattering of hymns and sacred music that is woven in your mix. Where else can you find that? Also we run a delightful little garden shop in Massachusetts. Our customers often speak of how “magical” or “peaceful” it feels when they enter. I credit your unique blend of piano music (with it’s “less is more” style ) with a good part of the feel here. I even listen at home!"
"Thank you so much... so grateful that you provide this beautiful music to surround our home and lives... With the current conditions Of our world, your music is a salve to our souls."
"I remember when someone back about 1988 or so said "There’s something called www and the internet." I’ve visited a million www’s since then and, without reservation, can say Whisperings Solo Piano Radio has been, by far, my consistent favorite. What a wonderful pleasure Whisperings continues to be."
"On December 18, 2016, I received a Kidney Transplant. I was on dialysis for 4 1/2 years and it was the last two years that I was on dialysis when I started listening to Whisperings... the piano music you selected and played became a part of my everyday life.... on December 18, 2017, I have had my new kidney 1 full year. I am 66 years old and I am blessed on a having a new lease on life and the joy of heart is in my continued listening to Whispering Solo Piano."
"I often listen to your music as I study, relax, and do other various forms of work, and I simply cannot go another minute without writing and saying that I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this station! I can tell that it has been birthed out of Eternal inspiration, for every time I fire it up, the music is just so gentle and refreshing. It’s like coming home, and I am restored. Every time! Whenever I have to turn it off and do something else, I really feel like I’m missing out on what's being streamed without me. Please continue to keep up the good work! I stopped searching for other 'background' or 'instrumental' streaming channels the moment I subscribed over a year ago. This is just perfect! Well done."
"This is one awesome station! It is the only station I listen to, mostly. This music soothes your soul, and heals the scars of your mind..."
"You provide an amazing amount of "background" color to many activities in my classrooms, students, and recently more teachers, comment on how much they enjoy it! Thank you!"
"I have listened to your free stream for some time, and decided in January to sign up for the commercial free Whisperings PureStream. Now I don't know why I waited so long. I love the PureStream and listen to it most of the day. Thank you to you and all of the artists for sharing their gifts with us. I will continue to support your broadcast, forever!"
"Your station is a literal life-saver! Our adopted dog Grace, an Anatolian Shepherd, came from Harper's Ferry, profoundly neurotic. One day after she had been here a few weeks this summer, was pacing and crying and totally beyond herself, I turned on your station. Within minutes she calmed, lay down and took a nap. It was like somebody snapped a switch (on or off depends on your perspective!) So, thank you! You are more than worth the $30 for a subscription. "
"Typical response when people walk in our Guidance Office at Bloomington High School, 'What is that beautiful music? Where's it coming from?' I tell them and then write down the website for them because they are asking me how to find it. They cannot believe it's an online service. I have had very stressed out students and staff come in here and I can visibly watch their bodies and minds relax. They start breathing more gently and by the time they leave many staff members ask if they can have their office moved to our department because it's so relaxing here. Job well done!"
"My work is like a battlefield, a storm is blowing and I am continually ambushed by personnel. Whispering Solo Piano quietly emits sounds of peace and courage from my computer. (Only I can really hear these sounds of hope.) Thanks for calm in the mist of the daily struggle!"
"If all of our social and business interactions were as gracious as yours, life would be a breeze. I have indeed enjoyed the subscription to Whisperings Piano Solo and was pleasantly surprised by the breadth of the additional music afforded to subscribing members. Even my pets appear to enjoy it. Once again, thank you for providing this service."
"Just wanted to let you know that I have been a fan of Whisperings Solo Piano Radio for years. I used to listen all day long at my full time job. Now that I am retired and working from home with my own business, it was a must that I subscribe! Your music helps me get through my work day without stress and in a good mood!"
"Whisperings PureStream is the first (and only) Internet radio station that I have ever subscribed to and I could not be more pleased. I am a home-based writer and editor and Whisperings provides a perfect backdrop to keep me company and block out any unwanted noise. Unlike a lot of other free stations that I have tried in the past, Whisperings offers a mix that somehow manages to provide a lot of variety without including material (or, of course, advertisements) that make me reach for the mute button. The customer service is excellent. And the streaming is remarkably strong and reliable, even in the face of the many challenges of Internet connections here in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Top marks all around."
"I would like to thank you for bringing Whisperings to the internet. We subscribed and have it on all day at our high school Guidance office. We watch as the kids who come in upset visibly relax after a few moments of sitting and listening to this beautiful music while waiting to speak to their counselor. It’s truly good work that you are doing!"
"I love your station. I had created my own David Lanz station on Pandora but after I went to a concert with David and Joseph Akins I was a convert. Unfortunately I had just paid my Pandora subscription a few weeks before the concert so I switched to your station and listened without joining but finally I figured if I was going to listen everyday I should support you guys too. I will let my Pandora laps when the time comes because I can't imagine listening to anything else now. I am a true believer in Whisperings and I appreciate your efforts and hard work to get this up and running."
"I would like you to know that Whisperings does give me listening pleasure, it does indeed quiet my world. In Bulgaria I own a small English Language Tuition facility where Whisperings gentle piano sounds greet the students as they enter the classroom. We have been known to use your free-stream spoken dialogue for audio discussion too. I look forward to renewing my subscription at the appropriate time."
"I play your PureStream in the background constantly at work and I'm miserable when I don't have it. There are few things that I rely upon routinely that keep me in the groove at work like Whisperings PureStream. While I appreciate the free service,conversation is disruptive to my concentration and PureStream is, dollar-for-dollar, the best bargain a desk-bound cogitator can have. Thanks so much for PureStream!!!"
"Hi, I'm from Mexico, the music from your radio station makes me feel really good, my mind start to fly away, in another words you station take my breath away.....when I'm listening your peculiar music i'm start to think in love, God, peaceful, harmony...your music is really amazing... I love you guys..keep it up....!!!! God bless you...."
"I wanted to express my appreciation for the piano music streaming from I am a college student and enjoy listening to music while reading textbooks, writing assignments, or studying for tests. I enjoy classical music, but find that often it is so complex and demanding of my attention that I can't focus on the material with which I'm working. The simple, calming progression of the Whisperings piano music is a perfect mental compliment to the cognitive gymnastics I have my brain doing. As a college student, I don't have funds to purchase Whisperings CDs or PureStream, which is why I am so grateful for the free streaming at I look forward to when I am able to financially contribute to Whisperings and help expand the knowledge and appreciation of piano music."
"I live in a northern city of Brazil, I found your radio about three years ago and I am writing these words not as just feedback, but as a declaration of love. I loved this station the very first moment I listened to it. I decided that when I had my first baby, he or she would listen only this kind of music. Now, since November 22nd 2011, when my first daughter Maria was born, she listens to it. The effects of piano music are incredible, she usually listens to fall sleep, during sleeping, it helps to calm her down when is nervous or crying. My wife doesn't like to hear this kind of music, but she inevitably listens, and usually fall sleep like a baby with Maria sometimes. Today I decided to make a one year subscription, and I hope to keeping renewing every year. God bless your work."
"We love your gentle, CALM, choices of piano music. We run a chiropractic clinic and our typical patient is in pain or suffering with headaches. People frequently comment about how relaxing our music selection is. So, THANK YOU for keeping the selection gentle and calm."
"Here's an unsolicited testimonial about the quality of your Solo Piano Radio service: it's just what our clinic needs! I coordinate a group practice in natural therapy medicine in Tracy, MN. In our awareness of the close mind/body relationship, we do all that we can to provide a relaxing environment for our clients, AND for the folks walking by on the streets of this small community. I found your music streaming service a few months ago, and it soon became clear that this was a quality source of just the kind of relaxing music that we needed to soothe our patients. This is such an improvement over the streaming music we typically find-- this is music that is just "gentle", "soothing", and PERFECT to support the gentle ambience we promote here. Beyond the fact that our patients love it, we have had numerous compliments about the music from those who are simply walking by. I have yet to notice a repeated selection, and there are NO commercials. We would cheerfully pay several times the asking price for this "Music from the Gods"! Thanks for doing your part to serve humankind!"
"I have been listening to your station for about a year now....I can't thank you enough for your labor of love in this endeavor. I listen to it probably at least every other day. It has brought me much consolation and peace... especially in times of desolation. I have cried a number of times at the beauty of the music. It has broken my heart open when it was closed, and has brought me closer to GOD. Just wanted to offer you my gratitude!"
"This is by far the best radio ever. I am a pianist, a full time psychology/counseling student, a wife of a disabled combat veteran, and a mother of 10 young children. This music quiets my world, helps me concentrate, and encourages my creativity. Thank you to all who make it possible. God bless you!"
"I enjoy Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio so much. I have a bipolar disorder and listening to your music affects my mood by keeping me calm and serene. I also love to play the music while serving dinner to friends or simply having a friend over to talk. It sets the “mood” of the room. I am VERY sensitive to the renounces of sound. Can’t and won’t listen to rock, jazz, hip-hop, rap. These kinds of music actually cause me a kind of “pain” within me. Difficult to describe. But your station brings about a peacefulness from heaven above which helps to maintain a calm, centered perspective, helps me to focus and concentrate, and actually get my computer work done. Thank you for all the work you have done in having created this concept and bringing it forth into public awareness…. and sharing the gifts of your talents and passion. You make a difference."
"I wanted to send a personal email to you to share my appreciation for Whisperings creating a CD I could order. couldn’t be happier.... I have a high-anxiety level with my job and listened for a couple of years to the free streaming of Whisperings Solo Piano on my computer. It became one of my favored coping mechanisms and there were honestly days I wouldn’t have made it through without a panic attack if it had not been for the calming effect of your music. Recently I signed up for the commercial-free version... About 2 days after doing that, my employer blocked the website... it became hospital policy to block any kind of radio, video or live streaming. I didn’t even want to consider cancelling my subscription because I want to support what you do. But that is why I was thrilled to get the email about a CD being available, and ordered it immediately. It was so good to get my QUALITY music back! I hope you will consider putting together other CDs...I have been looping the one I just got all day. Thank you for what you are doing...I am almost certain there must be more people who have been helped by it than you can even imagine. You truly are making a difference."
"I truly love Whisperings Radio and have for a number of years through which is how I discovered it. Since then, I have become a huge fan of Michele McLaughlin. Listening to Whisperings has inspired me so much that I have started taking piano lessons again (after 25 years!). It's Michele's music that is my instructor and I work on most often. I recently ordered theWhisperings Volume 1 CD and I am looking forward to receiving that soon. Thank you for Whisperings Radio. It adds beauty and serenity to my every day, which is a necessity considering I live in the fast paced, stressful area of Washington DC. I'd go crazy without it!!"
"Wow, a truly great product, great service. Though I've always liked a piano played solo, until now I never knew how much. The last few nights I've been been playing it through the night as I sleep, and the quality of my rest is clearly higher. At $30/yr,, I cannot think of better bargain."
"I just want to say "thank you" for all your efforts and your work concerning solo piano music. After after several years listening, I decided today to subscirbe to Whispering PureStream. I am a Major in the German army. I have been engaged in several missions, i.e. Afghanistan, Kongo, Uganda, Lebanon and Kosovo. All the times I have been there, I appreciated just to hear some piano music to relieve me from this. I have seen comrades wounded and death, I have seen not so good things - but in the end and finally, your music kept me alive to stand all this. So I just want to say thank you. In my opinion, you are a good comrade who helps me a lot to get along better."
"I am a long time fan and listen while I create home designs for my clients. It just enhances the creative spirit in me and makes my work day more like a day at the beach. It doesn't feel like work while listening to this music."
"I'm a foster mom to a tiny 'failure to thrive' baby - six months old and working to get him healthy! He was 10 lbs when we got him twomonths ago and we entered the hospital w/him as he was near death and had pneumonia. I put whispering piano on for him each night and its very therapeutic for both of us! i love having it on during the night time feedings. I consider it part of his healing. Thanks for a great station!"
"I want to thank you for coming to Pierre, South Dakota last week and performing. The concert you presented contained the most beautiful music that I have ever listened to in my life. We don't get opportunities to have concerts like that in Pierre. I attended your concert with my three sons, (8 year old twins, and 11 year old) and we had front row seats! I was nervous about taking them and not sure if they were ready for a concert like this. I want to tell you that they loved it! They have been taking piano lessons for only 6 months now. They actually got the chance to visit with the artists, and the artists encouraged them to keep practicing and try to write some of their own music. I have noticed my sons practicing more without my asking them to - and showing more appreciation and enthusiasm. They just seem to have a greater understanding of the beautiful music that can be made from a piano. I cannot describe into words everything that I want to say about the beautiful music we listened to that night. All I can do is thank you for coming and giving us a concert that my children and I will never forget. Thank you!"
"Whisperings has been a God-send to my family the past 18 months. My son has special needs and listens to Whisperings each night as he's falling asleep. The rest of the family also love the soothing piano music, and find ourselves listening at different points throughout the day. We're glad to finally be able to sign up with the yearly subscription! Thanks for putting Whisperings together - and we all wish you continued success!"
"Over the past five years I have spent a considerable amount of time with Whisperings (first the free stream and now the PureStream) while I read, studied and provided assignments relating to my Bachelor's Degree (at the age of fifty-something). And now as I am on the downhill side of my masters in education, I couldn't have gotten this far without the soothing and calming piano solos. Bravo!"
"After listening to Whisperings for more than a year I finally subscribed to PureStream yesterday and WOW. I can't believe I waited so long. It's lovely to have the full catalogue of songs. Because it's commercial free I can have Whisperings playing while I'm working and it never breaks my concentration. It's especially good on days when I'm writing and the office gets noisy. I can retreat into my own quiet corner and focus on what I need to get done. Whisperings is better than having an office door! Thank you for a fantastic product. It's only been a day and I feel like I've already had my money's worth out of a year's subscription."
"I just wanted to write you all and tell you how much I appreciate your website and piano music selections. I am a senior upon graduation at the University of Minnesota and have been listening to your station for 4 years. Your station has provided me great relaxing background music during the many hours I have spent studying in the library. Thank you so much."
"I appreciate the relaxing music you produce on the web. I have it playing in the background on my office computer 10 hours a day, 5 days a week at work and sometimes at home on the weekends. I do enjoy the occasional Christian songs that you mix in with the total package. I believe they are well received by others that may not otherwise hear them in our daily rat race life styles. I was told about your web site by a power plant operator that listens. He works at a very remote Hydro Electric Power Plant in a "piece of paradise" in the Alaskan wilderness. It is great as I travel to some of these locations myself to be able to join the calming piano music and the visual wonders that God has created for our enjoyment. I am amazed at how this music playing softly in the background can allow me to think clearly and be more productive as I design electrical circuits for the power industry. Thank you for offering this service and keep up the good work."
"I've been listening to the free version for months now and just signed up and loggedinto PureStream. Very nice! I wasn't sure if I'd be able to tell the difference, but PureStream is much better. I use a Mac Mini and send the sound out digitally through an optical adapter to my surround sound system in my home office. I can hear the bass now and the sound is better as well. I'm looking forward to the bigger playlist in addition. Thanks for putting together such beautiful and soothing music."
"There are no words available to express just how much we love your programming, especially within our circumstances of being totally home-bound due to our multi-disabilities in our family. As full time care-givers of our precious daughter on life-support. It is our stress-reliever throughout the day and night."
"I couldn't survive without Whisperings. I work in a cubical office setting where there is a lot of activity. I put on my headphones and can listen to it all day without getting sick of it. I tried classical, country and few other stations which only annoyed me in the end. When I found Whisperings and tried it for a week or so, I was sold and consider it a complete investment in my sanity!"
"Although I've been listening to Whisperings for some time,the music has become more meaningful for me lately. My mother left this life last month. Although I was there with her and her passing was peaceful, I often find myself wandering the house in the night searching for solace. Solace for myself, for she knew where she was going and I know she is there. I know I can turn this music on and it will calm my ravaged heart."
"I discovered Whisperings 10 months ago in late October. From the moment I discovered you I can honestly say I have listened in every single working day via iTunes. I am a web developer and as soon as I put on my Sony Dynamic Headphones I go into a different world. Yes you know what I have found the perfect niche...not alot of noise...not alot of instruments... just the piano played at the right level that touches the heart. I go home at piece each day and I thank you for this gift you have given me."
"I have severe intrusive tinnitus, caused by a brain tumor. The brain sound is on one side and at 80 decimals. The volume makes it impossible to ignore and it actually stimulates the limbic part of the brain with symptoms much like an adrenalin surge...all the time. I have tried many things, mostly to occupy my brain so it is not so focused on the intrusive noise. I have found the type of piano music on Whisperings Solo Piano Radio extremely helpful. I love your radio and it is on 24/7 in my office. Thank You!"
"Thank you very much for Whisperings and sharing it with everyone. I always look forward in coming home and listening to your station, as it is the only music I can play at home without objections. My 8 year old daughter loves sitting with me as we relax and enjoy the music. Again, thank you for providing a refuge to a long day."
"My mother played by "ear" and I would sit and listen to her for hours. She could play anything. She passed away a few years ago and when I found Whisperings recently I just sat down and listened for hours. I found my mother's passion again thanks to your station."
"I love all of the music on this station. The music here is so soothing and inspiring. This is (in my opinion) the greatest music in the world, it reminds me of a fall car ride in the country like my mom and I used to take almost every year. And the leaves would be changing and we'd have a chance to talk and reflect on what was going on in life. That's what this music does to me; it's wonderful!!! Keep up the good work!"
"I want to take this opportunity to thank you for such a wonderful array of piano music. I am fascinated with the selection of artists and the quality of the music It is a real pleasure to have an internet radio channel that caters to piano music lover like myself. Although, I don't play the piano, I must of in my previous life because my fascination for it is immense. I hope your listener continue to grow every year because somebody out there has to prove "real music" not "loud noise" if you know what I mean. Keep up with the good work."
"...Your like food for my soul. it's refreshing to hear just that instrument and nothing else. I sit here and play my Stratocaster with it. some is beyond my capability but some I can play as an a accompaniment. It's wonderful, I thoroughly enjoy playing along. Yesterday and today I've played so long my fingers hurt but that's a good thing, it challenges me to get better. sooo soothing...... like sitting out on the beach on a misty day and staring off into the ocean on an overcast day with a coat and a thermos of coffee. I will purchase the "premium" on my next paycheck if I can. this is great."
"It's been just about a year and my subscription to Solo Piano Radio is one of the best ingredients in my life. Morning, noon and night....the music sooths my soul and lifts me up. Love it. thank you David!"
"I'm a big fan of piano music. I always tried to find music like this to listen, and recently I found this site on one of the artists YouTube video. This is the radio station of my dreams. I listen to it all the time when I'm at the PC. I paid for PureStream and I think it's worth every cent. Thank you for this wonderful station!"
"I use music like what is played on Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio for inspiration. I find that I make really productive use of my time when I have totally soothing unobtrusive high quality classical piano playing as a background while I work. I listened for hours and thought that I should check into your website and drop you a line that explains my appreciation for what you've provided for all of us "Artists" out here. Honestly, this and a good cup of coffee are the beginnings of pure genius(smile)."
"I've been listening to at work for several weeks now. I've always enjoyed this particular genre of music, but listened to it only occasionally in the past. Here's what I like a listener:
- Melody. It's important for a tune to be recognizable and have character. I appreciate artists who can use a variety of modes to invent tunes that sometimes go against the grain - that challenge our expectations as a listener.
- Harmony. Not just conventional I, IV, V, I (very common in this type of music unfortunately). I love music that uses unconventional harmony, particularly when it's a familiar tune that's re-harmonized in an interesting way.
- Form. I like symmetrical phrasing that provides evidence that the musician has a plan. I appreciate it when the music has an over-arching connection, repeated thematic material, clear sections with well-executed transitions.
- Musicianship. Pianists who show excellence in technique - strong ability to handle arpeggios, play with evenness, use proper voicing, dynamics, phrasing, and tone-generation. I enjoy pianists who have superb control - particularly in the left-hand. It is difficult to use the left hand to provide a steady rhythm without undermining the melody. I appreciate those who can do this well.
Those are the things that mean a lot to me. If these elements are present, I can listen to the music in a way that transcends the critical voice in my mind. If all of these factors are there, I can truly relax, even focus on work. The music becomes part of my experience in the moment, but does not dominate my thoughts. is very consistent in providing music that is of high-quality. Seldom do I encounter run-of-the-mill or poorly conceived music on your site. I appreciate your ability to select music of such good quality. I've always been a classical and jazz fan, but - this genre - solo piano - contemporary style, is very compelling and when done well connects on an emotional and spiritual level that is truly joyful. I appreciate all you do to bring this music to hungry ears!"
"I am so enjoying the music. I have an austistic son and the music is very calming on the entire household. I have been telling all my friends how pleased I am. The promotional at $30 a year is such a deal, less then 10 cents a day. Very hard to beat and a true blessing for me."
"I enjoy your music.... I'm a traveling war journalist...sad but that seems to be the world today...but while in am far away places taking pictures of war, death and hate.. i can still hear your music.."
"I have an eight year old daughter with severe cerebral palsy. Because of her physical tenseness and the seizure activity in her head, she sometimes finds it hard to relax at night to fall asleep. However, she LOVES piano music. On nights like this I'll sit at the computer and hold her, while the music from your station calms her and lets her rest. Please know how much good you are doing in the world for others."
"I'm sixteen, currently undergoing my HSC (final High School examinations in Australia), and have only just found your station. It is so beautiful, every song, every time, just one masterpiece after another. Relaxing, moving, powerful, beautiful. Thank you for making the world a better place."
"What a surreal experience this is. I have been listening to Whisperings for about two weeks. A friend found it on Itunes. I just can not get enough so today I subscribed to your support you and to enjoy the benefits of the paid service. I am so IN LOVE with this channel that it is the ONLY music I listen to all day, every day. When I searched for a 'feedback button', I was brought to tears when I read the comments from many of the other fans of Whisperings. Every letter said exactly what I was feeling and what I wanted to say. It reminds me of the movie, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" where people from around the world were 'touched' by a similar experience. You are providing a unique and spectacular experience for listeners that takes my breathe away. What is it? I like piano music, but listening to your station is so soothing, inspiring, calming and wonderful! All I know is that I leave it on all day (even when I am gone) and as soon as I get off the phone, I turn the volume up again. I have breakfast to you and go to sleep with you. I want to hear you in my car and when I am out with friends. Talk about 'connecting with the soul'... You have discovered and created a very special place for people that brings me to tears. Thank you for being here and I am so thankful that I decided to subscribe. Thank you Thank You Thank You. What a gift. I will consider finding Whisperings as one of the special treats in my life."
"I just want to give a thank you note for everyone who participated in providing this radio station. When I found this station, I was so happy and amazed because the songs you selected really touched my heart. I'm also a piano player (I don't consider my self as a professional player), I usually play two-three children songs to my one and only daughter. So when I'm at the office and listen to this station, the beautiful music you offer always makes me want to rush home and play my piano along with my daughter. Love from Indonesia"
"I have been enjoying your free stream for the past few weeks. I loved it so much that I have registered today with Paypal, and have now been listening to the Premium service all day! I wanted to congratulate you on such a fantastic collection and service. Thank you very much, keep up the great work!"
"I just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying the music at Whisperings Solo Piano Radio. I work on an exuberant team in a collaborative office environment. It's wonderful, but sometimes I just need a little space to think. When it all gets too loud, I put in my headphones and head over to Whisperings. You turn my corner cube into a quiet corner office, complete with my very own pianist playing softly in the corner. What luxury! Thank you for what feels like a private concert every time. It is a delight to share in your talent."
"I don't usually do this but felt led to thank you for Whisperings Radio on the internet. I am currently going through what I would term the darkest days in my life. I came across solo piano radio by accident and am hooked. It has provided me the serenity to go to sleep at night and the peace to get through a day at work. The music played also serves as a calming way to sit down and be alone with God. Thank you for somehow putting together a collection of music that touches my soul."
"I'm getting 'PureStream' and it's not just awesome, it's, it's, it's simply incredible! I have a really good set of speakers on my PC and believe me, I could listen to Whisperings 24/7. In fact, when I die, I want a wireless feed down to wherever I am, with a long-life battery, so I can listen to PureStream Live365 Whisperings for the rest of my life, or whatever. Great job, David...Whisperings is the greatest sound the ear can experience!"
"I just wanted to let you know how much I love listening to this radio station while I study. I'm a graduate medical student, and the background ambient piano music is just what I need. I'm an amateur pianist too and am far from my piano back home, so having this to listen to helps me get through these tough years. I also really appreciate the occasional hymn mixed into the playlist. Perfect!"
"I don't normally e-mail a radio station, but your station has touched me a lot that I just have to say thank you for sharing the wonderful gift of music to those who appreciate it. I'm 18, on my first year at university, and people my age are normally not attracted to piano, instrumentals, and that kind of genre. Upon stumbling on Whisperings in iTunes, however, I quickly became attached to listening, and tried to listen to your station as much as I can, whether I'm in the library studying, or taking a nap after a long day's work. I love tuning in because it soothes me, especially during those stressful days before exams, and gives me a sense of reassurance and serenity. I'd like to thank the pianists and their wonderful contribution to this art. I hope that they realize that there are a lot pf people who value their work greatly. Keep up the good work, and thanks again."
"Your music is such a blessing in these chaotic times. Thank you for sharing it with us. It makes our home (full of teenagers, cell phones, ringing doorbells and barking dogs) a more tranquil place. We really like that you have some familiar Christian music as a part of your program as well. I can think the lyrics as I hear the music and that gives me peace as well."
"I've only recently come "on-line", after resisting it for all of my 52 years. If I have to choose one highlight from this experience of only two weeks old it would be my discovery of Whisperings. It all happened quite by accident whilst exploring the wonders of Internet radio through iTunes. Whisperings has now become my station of choice when I come home after a day of working for a supported housing project. The relaxing piano music unfailingly transforms my day from a succession of endless stressful encounters into one of infinite peacefulness. I'm quickly growing-up in the world of Whisperings. In the last half-hour of loading Purestream (through iTunes), for me it's already topped the free version; something I wouldn't have thought possible. I am so grateful for your project. Wherever you are in the world, there is one household in Cheltenham, United Kingdom where your influence is paramount. I'll monitor my useage and ensure my subscription matches financially the amount of pleasure you are bringing into my home. Best wishes in all you do."
"I am a great admirer of the music you offer freely to us who live and breathe piano music. I cannot describe how much I have recently been enjoying all the widely varying talent you air via your radio. Being a devoted pianist and more recently, composer, I both relate to the struggle of getting 'out there,' and finding like minded musicians who appreciate this style of music. I would not be and be becoming the pianist I am aspiring to be were it not for all my classical training, but my true love in music lies in such soft, reflective, soulful music as this. Through this music I find images and soft images revealing themselves to me through the wavering notes and soft blending patterns of the intricate chords used to bleed the composer's soul through his music. Once again, thank you for being both a role model for a young pianist to look up to, and also merely for the music you offer so freely."
"My 8 year old, (then 7) was suffering from nightmares on a regular basis. Among the things I tried was forced air whitenoise to music from my server to various internet radio stations. During those attempts I discovered His nightmares stopped the night I first ran Whisperings while he slept. In the past year, I can't recount a single nightmare. My signup for PureStream is as much to keep a promise I made to support those sites I benefit from as soon as I was able. We do appreciate you."
"I want you to know how much companionship your music has brought into my life. My husband died in September and I have a small graphic design/writing/editing business, so spend hours at the computer. The house is sooo quiet now and I am always at a loss to figure out how to find the music I want to buy, so Whisperings has given me both the immediate gratification of surrounding myself with consistently overwhelmingly beautiful music and a growing list of pianists I want to support by buying CDs for myself and for others as gifts. Just signed on for Whisperings Pure Stream to support the project and will continue to share your website with friends. Thank you for the beautiful gift of your music and the music of all the other pianists featured on the site."
"Your station is without a doubt one of the best (if not the best) on Live 365. You have accomplished what is so essential to a great station: wide variety of music that we aren't tired of hearing. I listen to several genres (new age, rock, classical, pop, British Invasion, etc), but even the good stations lack variety and consistently good music. Please keep it up!"
"What a treasure to discover Solo Piano Radio. I simply cannot get enough of it !! We have consultants all over the United States and I have ranted and raved over the last week to my colleagues and employees. You can expect many more to discover the incredible gift of your music in the next few weeks. We spend a lot of time in front of a computer and the music is so soothing, soft and such a peaceful atmosphere to do our work." WOW !!
"Just wanted to take a minute to let you know what a terrific job you've done with Whisperings. I listen to it every single day at the office while working and at home when relaxing in my sauna and over dinner. Your choice of music is superb and Whisperings has become the musical background of my life and the landscape on which memorable occasions occur. Keep up the great work"
"I just wished to say how much I appreciate whisperings. In this very difficult time in my life it's often what helps me to pull through my days..."
"I just wanted to drop you an email to express my great appreciation for everything the people behind Whisperings do to bring this beautiful music to us! I am a PureStream member, and despite it being a bit tricky to get working on my Apple pc, I still feel it is the best money I spend each month. Anytime I am having a rough day, or just need to focus, I tune in, close my eyes, and am taken to a place where the music dances around me and cuts through the craziness of everyday life. I've been able to discover so much amazing music through this broadcast, and hope you are able to continue this broadcast well into the future. Again, thank you so much for this incredible broadcast"
"I have enjoyed the likes of David Lanz and various other new age artists for quite some time but had relatively few pure solo piano albums. A few months ago, however, I found myself longing for a type of music that would be soothing yet interesting at critical times during our hectic work days. I had tried various forms of music, including classical, smooth jazz and traditional new age (ensemble) music and although these can be quite soothing they also encompass pieces that are not, making for an uneven and at times distracting listening experience. It was almost pure luck that I stumbled on your site a few weeks ago but suffice it to say, I have tuned in daily in the morning, at work and when I take a sauna. You made me realize that new age piano is clearly the best vehicle for me during these times. Artists such as yourself, David Lanz, and Greg Maroney are truly amazing! Thus far I have purchased over 20 albums and plan to purchase many, many more in the future."
"Without question the finest web music station. This comes from a guy who spends the rest of his time listening to the Jayhawks, Connells, Bodeens, Jamie Cullum, Van Morrison... etc. I design and build homes and spend endless hours behind a cad screen. Your station, via iTunes, has increased my abilty to focus and be productive tremendously! Thank you!"
"I listen to you all day while I work.......You help me touch beyond, you soothe my broken heart, and bring me joy, nostalgia, love and romance all in one. I will be supporting your station when I get paid for a commission in march. Stay, on the are healing people."
"Thank you for your wonderful is just sublime. I lost my mother in 2003 and 7 months later my dad from cancer. When I am alone at night and listen to your station while I am on my computer...I often weep thinking of the fond memories that your music brings back to me. I think what artists do in our society is very much underestimated...unfortunately. Anyhow....I simply wanted to express my gratitude. And please remember that your work does make a difference in people lives."
"I wanted to drop a note of thanks for providing Whisperings over live365. Your station is my sole companionship through the long hours of study and homework in the library here at my University. I have always loved piano music such as this, not quite the classical Mozart or Prokofiev, but a very pleasant easy to listen to type. I am sure my Chemistry book receives less damage because I am listening to your station as I drudge. Much thanks."
"I want to thank you for this station. My mother was a very talented pianist who probably gave up a professional career to be a wife, mother, and a special education teacher. She was a church organist for 47 (!!) years, as well as a piano teacher. Now she languishes in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and after a stroke. Music was like the air she breathed. Listening to your station takes me back to my living room in Tenessee when my mother would play for hours, and I would twirl and dance, pretending I was a ballerina (mind you, I had never seen a live one!) but no matter. Now I have donated my piano to the local Habitat for Humanity consignment store, and your station is as close as i will ever get to a piano again!! Thank you, for daily striking chords with both my soul and heart!"
"Your station keeps getting better and better. Great mix!! I'll probably get fired from my job... I just can't turn your station off... keep waiting to hear the next tune!! You are doing a great job... keep it up!"
"I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate being able to listen to your podcasts while I am working. I am 22 weeks pregnant and my baby seems to really like your station in particular, and gets really active when we listen in! From what I read, he is able to hear now, so I am pretty sure he is letting me know that he enjoys it! It's a wonderful thing to experience and I'm sure it is having a very positive affect on his development... Thank you again."
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